这是一个相似词在线查询工具,为用户提供相似词查询服务,返回的结果包含了近义词、反义词和同义词。 该工具常用于写作辅助(关键词联想)和论文降重(同义词替换)。 本 2017年2月8日 焊接连接(welded connection)是现代钢结构最主要的连接方法。其优点是:构造简单,任何形式的构件都可直接相连;用料经济,不削弱截面;制作加工方便, 钢结构连接的主要方式有哪些?其优缺点是什么
构造简单翻译为英语例句中文 Reverso Context
反击式碎矿机是一种新型高效率的碎矿设备,其特点是体积小,构造简单,破碎比大(可达40 ) , 能耗少,生产能力大,产品粒度均匀,并有选择性的碎矿作用,是很有发展前途的设 2022年3月10日 模板工程设计的主要原则 1实用性 模板要保证构件形状尺寸和相互位置的正确,且构造简单,支拆方便 、表面平整、接缝严密不漏浆等。 2安全性 要具有 足够 模板工程设计的主要原则及安装要点 建筑一生
2021年6月2日 简单的构造 一个长度为n的序列,给你n2个三元组,比如p= [1,4,2,3,5],那么三元组为 [1,4,2], [4,2,3], [2,3,5],其中每个三元组内的元素可以交换位置,整个三元组 Go 是一个开源的编程语言,它能让构造简单、可靠且高效的软件变得容易。 Go是从2007年末由Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson主持开发,后来还加入了Ian Lance Go 语言教程 菜鸟教程
1,创建构造方法的规则 构造方法的名字必须和类名一致 构造方法没有返回值,返回的是一个类 构造方法不能是抽象的,静态的,最终的,同步的也就是说,他不能通 CNU CN78U CN7U CNU CN U CN U CN U CN 7 U CN7 U CN 7U CN U CN U CN U Authority CN China Prior art keywords connecting plate rotor shaft rotor fixedly connected fly leaf Prior art CNU 一种氮化硅除气转子 Google Patents
CNA 边箱主梁 Google Patents
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Application and Research on ConcreteFilled Steel Bridge Piers
2014年5月1日 Abstract Application and research on ConcreteFilled steel Bridge Piers used unified theory ,and analyzed ConcreteFilled steel Bridge Piers through MIDAS Contrast calculation, Verification CNA CN36A CN3A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 3 A CN3 A CN 3A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords force transmission lever levers transmission shaft force Prior art date CNA Google Patents
诗二首 Asymptote
These poems come from The Loquat Boy: Elegies for my Son, a collection Zang Di wrote after the tragic, accidental death of his only childThese are poems of mourning and darkness, of hopelessness in the face of unimaginable loss A father’s love and pride does not end with such an ending, yet ordinary life continues on, sometimes seemingly in a CNB CN 9 CN9A CNB CN B CN B CN B CN 9 CN9 CN 9 CN 9 A CN9 A CN 9A CN B CN B CN B Authority CN China Prior art keywords lead sliding CNB 大行程板式铅剪切阻尼器 Google Patents
料槽 중국어사전에서 料槽 의 정의 및 동의어 educalingo
중국어 사전에서 料槽 의 정의 쓰레기는 가축 사료 쓰레기를 버렸다 放置牲畜食料的食槽。 중국어 사전에서 «料槽» 의 원래 정의 보기 를 원하면 클릭하세요 한국어 사전에서 자동 를 원하면 클릭하세요2017年8月1日 索塔采用混凝土、锚固区采用钢锚板的斜拉桥索塔锚固体系,构造简单,受力合理。本文针对这种新型锚固体系中pbl The incubator course for the global learning environment from the
CNA 一种大跨度转换桁架 Google Patents
CNA CN98A CN9A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 9 A CN9 A CN 9A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords truss shear wall construction shear conversion Prior art date 202109 CNU CN78U CN7U CNU CN U CN U CN U CN 7 U CN7 U CN 7U CN U CN U CN U Authority CN China Prior art keywords connecting plate rotor shaft rotor fixedly connected fly leaf Prior art CNU 一种氮化硅除气转子 Google Patents
CNA 边箱主梁 Google Patents
CNA CN53A CN5A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 53 A CN53 A CN 53A CN 5 A CN5 A CN 5A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords CNU CN 8 CN8U CNU CN U CN U CN U CN 8 CN8 CN 8 CN 8 U CN8 U CN 8U CN U CN U CN U Authority CN China Prior art keywords fermentation CNU Google Patents
Application and Research on ConcreteFilled Steel Bridge Piers
2014年5月1日 Abstract Application and research on ConcreteFilled steel Bridge Piers used unified theory ,and analyzed ConcreteFilled steel Bridge Piers through MIDAS Contrast calculation, Verification CNA CN36A CN3A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 3 A CN3 A CN 3A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords force transmission lever levers transmission shaft force Prior art date CNA Google Patents
诗二首 Asymptote
These poems come from The Loquat Boy: Elegies for my Son, a collection Zang Di wrote after the tragic, accidental death of his only childThese are poems of mourning and darkness, of hopelessness in the face of unimaginable loss A father’s love and pride does not end with such an ending, yet ordinary life continues on, sometimes seemingly in a CNB CN 9 CN9A CNB CN B CN B CN B CN 9 CN9 CN 9 CN 9 A CN9 A CN 9A CN B CN B CN B Authority CN China Prior art keywords lead sliding CNB 大行程板式铅剪切阻尼器 Google Patents
料槽 중국어사전에서 料槽 의 정의 및 동의어 educalingo
중국어 사전에서 料槽 의 정의 쓰레기는 가축 사료 쓰레기를 버렸다 放置牲畜食料的食槽。 중국어 사전에서 «料槽» 의 원래 정의 보기 를 원하면 클릭하세요 한국어 사전에서 자동 를 원하면 클릭하세요2017年8月1日 索塔采用混凝土、锚固区采用钢锚板的斜拉桥索塔锚固体系,构造简单,受力合理。本文针对这种新型锚固体系中pbl The incubator course for the global learning environment from the
CNA 一种大跨度转换桁架 Google Patents
CNA CN98A CN9A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 9 A CN9 A CN 9A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords truss shear wall construction shear conversion Prior art date 202109